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Follow us at #UPrepCharterSchoolROC
Dr. Ed Yansen, President
Denise Rainey, 1st Vice-President
Larry Ellison, 2nd Vice-President
Allen Williams, Treasurer
Sharon Delly, Secretary
Dr. George Bovenzi
Wandah Gibbs
David Shakes
Dr. W. Gayle Harrison
The UPREP Board of Trustees holds its regular business meetings at 5:00 p.m. on the Third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held in the CTE building, located at 1290 Lake Ave., Rochester.
As a public school, UPREP maintains records as required by New York State law under the Local Government Schedule (LGS-1). A list of records and their retention periods can be found here:
Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1) 2022 (
Agendas, Meeting Minutes, and Board Policies can be found here:
Executive Committee Oversees goal-setting and agenda development and serves as a preliminary sounding board for the Board Chair, Principal and President. Role of this Committee also includes making decisions on behalf of the full Board and serves as a communication link with other members of the Board, particularly the committee chairs. This Committee also recruits and vets new Trustees
Personnel and Finance Committee provides oversight of the school's finances. The committee considers and makes recommendations to the Board on matters relating to the school's finances, including the annual school budget, resolutions for fund transfers, contracts, and facilities.
The Committee reviews financial statements on a monthly basis and coordinates annual independent financial audits.
The purpose of the Program Development and Accountability Committee is to ensure that systems are in place to meet SUNY benchmarks in instruction and academics. The Program Development and Accountability Committee reviews adult and student data and lends support and advice in areas related to instruction, academic achievement, as well as student and staff development.